Futures II


In this lecture, we reviwed Rust Futures, which we introduced last time, and coded up a revamped version of our Link Explorer using async/await. Below, you can see the original code that ran with a ThreadPool. Below that, we have the code using async/await.

extern crate reqwest;
extern crate select;
extern crate error_chain;

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::{thread};
use select::document::Document;
use select::predicate::Name;

error_chain! {
   foreign_links {

struct Article {
    url: String,
    len: usize,

const BATCH_SIZE: usize = 60;

// https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/web/scraping.html
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let body = reqwest::blocking::get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multithreading_(computer_architecture)")?
    // Identify all linked wikipedia pages
    let links = Document::from_read(body.as_bytes())?
        .filter_map(|n| {
            if let Some(link_str) = n.attr("href") {
                if link_str.starts_with("/wiki/") {
                    Some(format!("{}/{}", "https://en.wikipedia.org",
                } else {
            } else {
    let longest_article = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Article {url: "".to_string(),
        len: 0}));
    let num_batches = links.len()/BATCH_SIZE;
    println!("num_batches: {}", num_batches);
    for batch_idx in 0..num_batches {
        // println!("link: {}", link);
        println!("batch_idx: {}", batch_idx);
        let mut reqwesters = Vec::new();
        let start = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE;
        let end = std::cmp::min((batch_idx + 1) * BATCH_SIZE, links.len());
        for link in &links[start..end] {
            let longest_article_clone = longest_article.clone();
            let link_clone = link.clone();
            reqwesters.push(thread::spawn(move || {
                let body = reqwest::blocking::get(&link_clone).expect("").text().expect("");
                let curr_len = body.len();
                let mut longest_article_ref = longest_article_clone.lock().unwrap();
                if curr_len > longest_article_ref.len {
                    longest_article_ref.len = curr_len;
                    longest_article_ref.url = link_clone.to_string();

        for handle in reqwesters {
            handle.join().expect("Panic occurred in thread!");
        //println!("page length: {}", curr_len);

    let longest_article_ref = longest_article.lock().unwrap();
    println!("{} was the longest article with length {}", longest_article_ref.url,

extern crate reqwest;
extern crate select;
extern crate error_chain;

use std::sync::{Arc};
use tokio::sync::{Mutex, Semaphore};
use tokio::task;
use select::document::Document;
use select::predicate::Name;
use futures;

error_chain! {
   foreign_links {

struct Article {
    url: String,
    len: usize,

const BATCH_SIZE: usize = 60;

async fn get_body_text(link: &String, connection_permits: Arc<Semaphore>) -> Result<String> {
    let _permit = connection_permits.acquire().await;
    // Once the permit is dropped, it will increment the semaphore
    let body = reqwest::get(link)

// https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/web/scraping.html
#[tokio::main(max_threads = 20)]
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let body = reqwest::get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multithreading_(computer_architecture)")
    // Identify all linked wikipedia pages
    let links = Document::from_read(body.as_bytes())?
        .filter_map(|n| {
            if let Some(link_str) = n.attr("href") {
                if link_str.starts_with("/wiki/") {
                    Some(format!("{}/{}", "https://en.wikipedia.org",
                } else {
            } else {
    // println!("links: {:?}", links);
    let longest_article = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Article {url: "".to_string(),
        len: 0}));
    let connection_permits = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(BATCH_SIZE));
    let mut handles = Vec::new();
    for link in &links {
        let longest_article_clone = longest_article.clone();
        let link_clone = link.clone();
        let connection_permits_clone = connection_permits.clone();
        handles.push(task::spawn(async move {
            if let Ok(body) = get_body_text(&link_clone, connection_permits_clone).await {
                let curr_len = body.len();
                let mut longest_article_ref = longest_article_clone.lock().await;
                if curr_len > longest_article_ref.len {
                    longest_article_ref.len = curr_len;
                    longest_article_ref.url = link_clone.to_string();
            //println!("{:?}", get_body_text(&link_clone, connection_permits_clone).await);
    // https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/2053

    let longest_article_ref = longest_article.lock().await;
    println!("{} was the longest article with length {}", longest_article_ref.url,