Memory Safety

Today’s lecture will focus on memory errors that often arise in programs. We will look at how these errors motivate Rust’s ownership model, and explain how Rust prevents them.

Pre-class exercise

This exercise was developed by Will Crichton for CS 242. Thank you, Will, for letting us borrow this material!

Before class on Thursday, please spend just 10 minutes reviewing the following C implementation of a vector. There are at least 7 bugs. You don’t need to catch ‘em all, but try to spot as many as you can.

Please write down the bugs you find. We will be reviewing your findings at the start of class.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

// There are at least 7 bugs relating to memory on this snippet.
// Find them all!

// Vec is short for "vector", a common term for a resizable array.
// For simplicity, our vector type can only hold ints.
typedef struct {
  int* data;     // Pointer to our array on the heap
  int  length;   // How many elements are in our array
  int  capacity; // How many elements our array can hold
} Vec;

Vec* vec_new() {
  Vec vec; = NULL;
  vec.length = 0;
  vec.capacity = 0;
  return &vec;

void vec_push(Vec* vec, int n) {
  if (vec->length == vec->capacity) {
    int new_capacity = vec->capacity * 2;
    int* new_data = (int*) malloc(new_capacity);
    assert(new_data != NULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < vec->length; ++i) {
      new_data[i] = vec->data[i];

    vec->data = new_data;
    vec->capacity = new_capacity;

  vec->data[vec->length] = n;

void vec_free(Vec* vec) {

void main() {
  Vec* vec = vec_new();
  vec_push(vec, 107);

  int* n = &vec->data[0];
  vec_push(vec, 110);
  printf("%d\n", *n);
