Lecture 7: Synchronization, job control

Note: Reading these lecture notes is not a substitute for watching the lecture. I frequently go off script, and you are responsible for understanding everything I talk about in lecture unless I specify otherwise.

The fork() syscall

The fork() syscall creates a new copy of the current process. We refer to the current process as the parent process, and the new copy as the child process.

You can sort of think of fork() as a fork in the road of assembly instructions, where the parent process continues down one path and the child process continues down another…

Return value of fork: distinguishing between the child and the parent

Keep in mind that fork almost perfectly copies the calling process: all variables are copied, all file descriptors are copied, and fork() returns to the exact same place in the program in both processes. How is a program supposed to know if it is the original/parent process or the clone/child? If we want one of the processes to do one thing and the other process to do something else, how do we make that happen?

This is accomplished via the return value of fork:

Dragons ahead ๐Ÿ‰โš ๏ธ

Beware of programs that make runaway fork() calls. For example, this is one of the worst programs to run:

int main() {
    while (true) {

This program is known as a forkbomb. It creates a child process; then, both the parent and the child create child processes (resulting in 4 processes total); then, all of those processes create child processes (resulting in 8 processes total), so on, until your machine runs out of processes, every process is stuck in an infinite while loop, and your computer grinds to a halt.

This might look like an obviously bad idea, but it’s not hard to accidentally code slightly less-bad versions of this. You should be careful whenever calling fork() to look at what the child process might do, and ensure it terminates properly without accidentally creating more child processes. For example, consider this well-intentioned but buggy code:

 1int main() {
 2    load some huge string to be processed
 3    while (stringHasMoreLines()) {
 4        processNextLine();
 5    }
 8void processNextLine() {
 9    if (fork() == 0) {
10        Do some parallel processing in the child
11    }
12    Do some parallel processing in the parent

This code has an accidental sort of forkbomb: after each child process is done doing the parallel processing on line 10, it will continue out of the if statement, do the parallel processing that only the parent will do, and then, even worse, it will return from processNextLine back to the while loop on line 3 and fork a grandchild process. That grandchild process will do the same, on and on, until every process has gone through every line in the string buffer. This can create big problems.

To avoid this, it’s important to place an exit(0) call after line 10 so that the child does not continue past that point.

Viewing processes

When multiprocess code does not do what you expect, it is often helpful to try to get an idea of what the code is doing instead. To view processes running on your computer, you can run ps aux:

root           1  0.0  0.0 170116  9560 ?        Ss   May22   9:49 /sbin/init
root           2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    May22   0:02 [kthreadd]
root           3  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   May22   0:00 [rcu_gp]
root           4  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   May22   0:00 [rcu_par_gp]
root           6  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   May22   0:00 [kworker/0:0H-kblockd]
root           9  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   May22   0:00 [mm_percpu_wq]
root          10  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    May22   0:17 [ksoftirqd/0]
root          11  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    May22  46:59 [rcu_sched]
<many more entries>

If you’re working on a shared computer like myth, it may be helpful to use grep to filter the output, showing only your processes, and maybe also only filtering for the program you want to inspect:

ps aux | grep yourUsername | grep program

For example, I can start sleep in one terminal, then open another terminal SSHed to the same myth machine (e.g. ssh mythXX.stanford.edu, where XX is the same number as the first terminal), and list the process info:

๐Ÿ‰ ps aux | grep rebs | grep sleep
rebs     1128862  0.0  0.0   8076   596 pts/6    S+   22:04   0:00 sleep 100
rebs     1128868  0.0  0.0   8900   676 pts/1    S+   22:04   0:00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn sleep

(You’ll need to ignore the second line; that’s grep itself that turned up in the search results.)

ps has a bunch of custom fields you can display if you want more info. For example:

๐Ÿ‰ ps o pid,ppid,pgid,stat,user,command -p $(pgrep -u $USER sleep)
1128862 1128820 1128862 S+   rebs     sleep

One thing that can sometimes come in handy is to use pstree to show the tree of parent/child processes:

๐Ÿ‰ pstree -psa $(pgrep -u $USER sleep)
                  โ””โ”€sleep,1129081 100


Consider the following program, which prints a letter, forks, and continues the loop:

You might reasonably guess that the program outputs the following:


However, the order is not necessarily preserved. I get a different ordering of the letters every time, but this is one example output:


This is the effect of the process scheduler at work. The above code creates 8 processes, but we may only have 2 CPU cores with which to run those processes. In order to provide the illusion of running many processes simultaneously, the operating system scheduler does the following:

Note that the ready queue isn’t a simple ordered queue; we may have high-priority processes that should get more CPU time. The scheduler employs a sophisticated algorithm to balance the needs of various processes, and, as a result, processes may not run in the order you expect them to. You are never given any guarantees about process scheduling, other than the fact that your process will be scheduled and will be executed eventually.

Viewing process state

ps also displays the state of a process in the STAT(E) column:

In the ps example output from earlier, you might notice that sleep was in the S state, since it was waiting for a timer to elapse.

Basics of synchronization: the waitpid syscall

The waitpid system call can be used to wait until a particular child process is finished executing. (It’s actually a more versatile syscall than that, and we will discuss that in a moment, but let’s keep it simple for now.)

In the following code, a process forks, and then the parent process waits for the child to exit:

Note: waitpid can only be called on direct child processes (not parent processes, or grandchild processes, or anything else).

Synchronization puzzle

What are the possible outputs of this program?

Getting the return code from a process

The number returned from main is the return code or exit status code of a process. We can pass a second argument to waitpid to get information about the child process’s execution, including its return code:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) {
        // Child process
        printf("CHILD: Child process exiting...\n");
        return 0;

    // Parent process
    printf("PARENT: Waiting for child process...\n");
    int status;
    waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
    if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
        printf("PARENT: Child process exited with return code %d!\n",
    } else {
        printf("PARENT: Child process terminated abnormally!\n");
    return 0;

We can now modify the return 0; of the child code to return some other number, or even to segfault (in which case, WIFEXITED(status) will return false).

Calling waitpid without a specific child PID

You can call waitpid passing -1 instead of a child’s PID, and it will wait for any child process to finish (and subsequently return the PID of that process). If there are no child processes remaining, waitpid returns -1 and sets the global variable errno to ECHILD (to be specific about the “error condition.” It can return -1 for other reasons, such as passing an invalid 3rd argument.)

This example creates several processes without keeping track of their PIDs, then calls waitpid until the parent has no more child processes that it hasn’t already called waitpid on:

This calls waitpid a total of 9 times (it returns child PIDs 8 times, then returns -1 to indicate that there are no remaining children).

When -1 is passed as the first argument, waitpid returns children in a somewhat arbitrary order. If several child processes have exited by the time you call waitpid, it will choose an arbitrary child from that set. Otherwise, if you call waitpid before any child processes have stopped, it will wait for at least one of the running children to exit.

waitpid and scheduling

To be clear, waitpid does not influence the scheduling of processes. Calling waitpid on a process does not tell the OS, “hey, I am waiting on this process, so please give it higher priority.” It simply blocks the parent process until the specified child process has finished executing.

waitpid is not optional!

When a process exits, the kernel does not immediately free all of the memory that was being used for that process; although many resources can be freed (e.g. the file descriptor table or the virtual memory page table), the process struct is still kept around so that the parent process can eventually get exit information via waitpid. When a process has exited but has not yet been waited on by the parent, it is called a zombie process: the process is dead, but it still exists, and still counts towards the maximum number of processes that can be run. It’s very important for the parent to call waitpid to “reap” the zombies.

In this way, fork() is kind of like malloc (it is allocating a process) and waitpid() is kind of like free (it is freeing a process). Every fork() call should be paired with a waitpid().

Lifecycle of a process

Job control

Processes start, cycle on/off the CPU, and eventually terminate, but they can also be paused at arbitrary points by job control signals. This is useful in a variety of circumstances: for example, maybe you’re running a long, CPU-intense program, and you want to pause it so you can quickly run some quick CPU-intense program. Or, as another example, Mac OS will send “pause” signals to programs when it starts running out of (physical) memory, prompting you to close some apps before resuming them. Job control is sometimes even used programmatically to synchronize between processes; for example, Process A will pause itself to wait for Process B to catch up, and then Process B will signal Process A to continue when it’s ready.

We’ll talk more about signals next week, so don’t worry much about the details of how this works, but in summary, you can send SIGSTOP to pause a process and SIGCONT to continue the process.

On the command line:

# Pause PID 1234
kill -STOP 1234
# Resume PID 1234
kill -CONT 1234

Or, programmatically:

# Pause PID 1234
kill(1234, SIGSTOP);
# Resume PID 1234
kill(1234, SIGCONT);

Job control and waitpid

waitpid can also be used to observe when a program changes job control states (e.g. stops or continues due to SIGSTOP or SIGCONT). This is accomplished through the third flags parameter: