Lecture 10: Intro to Networking

Note: Reading these lecture notes is not a substitute for watching the lecture. I frequently go off script, and you are responsible for understanding everything I talk about in lecture unless I specify otherwise.


How the Internet is Structured

IP addresses and DNS

Every computer on a network has a unique IP address that identifies it on the network. When you want to connect to a server, you need to know its IP address. An IP address is stored as four bytes, separated by periods; an example IP address is “”. (“500.304.259.1” is not a valid IP address, since the numbers 500, 304, and 259 are greater than 255 and thus can’t be stored in single bytes.)

Humans aren’t generally good at remembering strings of numbers like IP addresses. The Domain Name System (DNS) translates human-friendly hostnames (also called domain names) into IP addresses. You can make a DNS query to ask for the IP address of “web.stanford.edu,” and you’ll hear back that it has an IP address of “”

Recall: in filesystems, if you want to find the inode for the file /usr/class/cs110/hello.txt, you first ask the root directory for usr’s inumber, then ask /usr for class’s inumber, then ask /usr/class for cs110’s inumber, then ask /usr/class/cs110 for hello.txt’s inumber. A very similar process exists in DNS. A set of root name servers are defined to answer DNS lookups for each domain name suffix (e.g. .com has a set of root name servers, .org has a set of root name servers, .edu has a set of root name servers, etc). When you want to look up web.stanford.edu, we ask the edu root server where the nameserver for stanford.edu is, and then we ask the nameserver for stanford.edu where web.stanford.edu is. If we wanted to support names like cs.web.stanford.edu (which Stanford doesn’t do, but it’s entirely possible), then we could ask the nameserver for web.stanford.edu where cs.web.stanford.edu is.

You can play around with DNS lookups by running dig. You don’t have to be familiar with the specifics of DNS and you don’t have to know what all the different kinds of records mean, but you should have a general familiarity with what it does and how it works.

$ dig -t NS +noall +answer edu      # Where are the .edu nameservers?
edu.			91576	IN	NS	d.edu-servers.net.
edu.			91576	IN	NS	l.edu-servers.net.
edu.			91576	IN	NS	a.edu-servers.net.
edu.			91576	IN	NS	c.edu-servers.net.
edu.			91576	IN	NS	f.edu-servers.net.
edu.			91576	IN	NS	g.edu-servers.net.
$ dig -t NS +noall +answer stanford.edu     # Where are the stanford.edu nameservers?
stanford.edu.		172800	IN	NS	argus.stanford.edu.
stanford.edu.		172800	IN	NS	ns7.dnsmadeeasy.com.
stanford.edu.		172800	IN	NS	ns6.dnsmadeeasy.com.
stanford.edu.		172800	IN	NS	atalante.stanford.edu.
stanford.edu.		172800	IN	NS	avallone.stanford.edu.
stanford.edu.		172800	IN	NS	ns5.dnsmadeeasy.com.
$ dig -t A +noall +answer web.stanford.edu  # Where is web.stanford.edu?
web.stanford.edu.	1800	IN	A

Port numbers

We want to run a server on a computer. People should be able to connect to this computer over a network and interact with this server.

When you start a server, it binds to a particular port number (valid port numbers are 0-65535). You might have several servers running on a machine for running different services (e.g. a web server, an SSH server, a file server), and each server would be bound to a unique port number. Port numbers for well-known services are generally fixed; SSH servers usually listen for connections on port 22, web servers usually listen for connections on port 80, and mail servers often listen on port 25.

You can think of IP addresses like apartment building addresses, and think of port numbers like apartment numbers within the building; when someone tries to connect to your server, they go to your apartment building, then walk to your specific apartment number in order to reach you. If someone is trying to log into SSH on a server, they will connect to that server’s IP address on port 22, knowing that the SSH server is in that particular apartment.

Network connections

A lot goes into establishing and maintaining a network connection, but most of these details are handled for us by the operating system. If you’re interested, take CS 144 (Networking). From our perspective, once a network connection is opened, we have something like a bidirectional pipe between two computers.

Log into myth, and run the following (if you get an error about “Address already in use,” just choose a number other than 12345 that is at least 1234):

echo $HOST      # note this, you need it for the telnet command below
nc -l 12345

In a different terminal window, log into myth (it can be a different myth machine) and run the following:

telnet myth65.stanford.edu 12345    # replace myth65 with the host from above

Anything you type into telnet shows up in your first window, and anything you type into nc shows up in your second window.

Networking as a form of function call/return

Usually, if you want to run some functionality, you call a function. In this class, we started to explore another possibility where if you want some function, you might invoke an executable that performs that functionality (e.g. if you want to compress a file, but you don’t want to write the compression code and you don’t want to bundle a C library implementing the compression, you can invoke the tar executable present on almost all Linux systems). In networking, we see another form of function call/return: we can request functionality to be executed on some remote server, and get the response from that server. This might be helpful, for example, if we wanted to look up images of cats (there is no way the Google Images database is going to fit on your laptop, but you could make a function call to the Google Images servers asking them for images of cats), or if we want to distribute a computation amongst more cores than we could fit in a single machine (we can use many servers, and make “function calls” to those servers, asking them to participate in the collective computation).

Using basic network connections demonstrated using nc and telnet above, we can develop various communication protocols. Someone can send a command over the network connection to request something, and the server cand send back a response. For example, someone could remotely call a function (sometimes called a remote procedure call – RPC) by sending this over the network connection:

EXECUTE functionName: argument1, argument2

The server can respond over the network connection with the return value of whatever function was requested.

It turns out that this format is very similar to the HTTP protocol, which we’ll talk about on Wednesday. There are many simple HTTP APIs:

There are many more complicated APIs letting you do more useful things:

For today, we’ll use very basic request/response schemes.

Implementing a server

Hello world, for the twentieth time

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int serverSocket = createServerSocket(12345);
    if (serverSocket < 0) {
        cout << "Error: Could not start server" << endl;
        return 1;
    while (true) {
        int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, NULL, NULL);
        cout << "Sending response to new client" << endl;
        write(clientSocket, "Hello world!\n", 13);

    return 0;

createServerSocket is a function we have written for you, which we will implement together in class on Wednesday. It returns a file descriptor that is connected to a virtual file storing a list of people trying to connect to our server on port 12345. (It is technically more complicated than that, but you can think of it this way for now.) The accept syscall waits until someone tries to connect to our server, and then once someone tries to connect, it takes their info off the list of incoming connections that serverSocket stores, and returns the clientSocket file descriptor.

The clientSocket file descriptor is a network socket connected to the person contacting our server. Sockets are bidirectional, and this file descriptor is configured to be readable and writable, which is unlike what you have seen with pipes. If you read from this file descriptor, you’ll read bytes that the client has sent you, and if you write to this file descriptor, the bytes you write will be sent to the client.

Since clientSocket is just a file descriptor, we can write a message to it. If you run this server and run nc myth55.stanford.edu 12345 (or telnet myth55.stanford.edu 12345, although telnet prints some extra stuff that we don’t want for this minimal example), you’ll see “Hello world!” printed.

We could extend this program to also print out anything the client sends us by adding a while loop between the write and close calls to echo out anything the client sends us:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int serverSocket = createServerSocket(12345);
    if (serverSocket < 0) {
        cout << "Error: Could not start server" << endl;
        return 1;
    while (true) {
        int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, NULL, NULL);
        cout << "Sending response to new client" << endl;
        write(clientSocket, "Hello world!\n", 13);
        while (true) {
            char buf[1024];
            ssize_t bytesRead = read(clientSocket, buf, 1024);
            if (read <= 0) break;
            write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, bytesRead);
        cout << "Client hung up" << endl;

    return 0;

Implementing a basic time server

This server tells you what time it is:

static void publishTime(int clientSocket) {
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);
    char timeString[128]; // more than big enough
    strftime(timeString, sizeof(timeString), "%c\n", ptm);
    write(clientSocket, timeString, strlen(timeString));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int serverSocket = createServerSocket(12345);
    if (serverSocket < 0) {
        cout << "Error: Could not start server" << endl;
        return 1;
    while (true) {
        int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, NULL, NULL);
        cout << "Sending response to new client" << endl;

    return 0;

However, it has a potential problem. (The hello world example above also has this problem.) We ask write to send sizeof(timeString) bytes, but if the network is congested, it’s possible that write may only send a few of the bytes, and ask you to try transmitting the rest later. We need to use a while loop to handle this case:

static void publishTime(int clientSocket) {
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);
    char timeString[128]; // more than big enough
    strftime(timeString, sizeof(timeString), "%c\n", ptm);
    size_t numBytesWritten = 0, numBytesToWrite = strlen(timeString);
    while (numBytesWritten < numBytesToWrite) {
        numBytesWritten += write(clientSocket,
                timeString + numBytesWritten,
                numBytesToWrite - numBytesWritten);

This works well enough.

Introducing sockbuf and iosockstream

It would be nice to use the C++ stream abstractions instead of needing to work with raw file descriptors and read and write calls. The sockbuf and iosockstream classes let us do this.

static void publishTime(int clientSocket) {
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&rawtime);
    char timeString[128]; // more than big enough
    strftime(timeString, sizeof(timeString), "%c", ptm);
    sockbuf sb(clientSocket); // destructor closes socket
    iosockstream ss(&sb);
    ss << timeString << endl;

Note that there is no close call. The sockbuf destructor takes care of that.

Adding threads

This server can only respond to one request at a time, which leads to pretty poor performance. We can improve the situation by using multithreading:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int serverSocket = createServerSocket(12345);
    if (serverSocket < 0) {
        cout << "Error: Could not start server" << endl;
        return 1;
    vector<thread> threads;
    while (true) {
        int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, NULL, NULL);
        cout << "Sending response to new client" << endl;
        threads.push_back(thread(publishTime, clientSocket));

    return 0;

This introduces a race condition, because as it turns out, the gmtime function isn’t safe against concurrent calls. We can use a “reentrant” version of gmtime, called gmtime_r, which doesn’t use any global variables and is thus safe from race conditions:

static void publishTime(int clientSocket) {
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm tm;
    gmtime_r(&rawtime, &tm);
    char timeString[128]; // more than big enough
    strftime(timeString, sizeof(timeString), "%c", &tm);
    sockbuf sb(clientSocket); // destructor closes socket
    iosockstream ss(&sb);
    ss << timeString << endl;

This is solid, except for the fact that it might overwhelm the scheduler with threads if we get a lot of incoming connections at the same time. A semaphore is our friend.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int serverSocket = createServerSocket(12345);
    if (serverSocket < 0) {
        cout << "Error: Could not start server" << endl;
        return 1;
    vector<thread> threads;
    semaphore threadPermits(16);
    while (true) {
        int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, NULL, NULL);
        cout << "Sending response to new client" << endl;
        threads.push_back(thread([clientSocket, &threadPermits](){

    return 0;